From Behind the Corn 07: Erin Kunst

What is your most memorable Gravel Worlds experience?

“Garmin Gravel Worlds wasn't even on my radar to go do until one of my friends mentioned she was doing the 50k run there. My interest was peaked because I have a bucket list goal to do a marathon or further in every state. Nebraska had not been crossed off yet. I began looking into it, and after doing more research, I realized that two people could do it as a team. I'm a runner, but my husband is a cyclist. We would be married for just over 2 years when GGW had happening last year. I asked if he wanted to partner up to do the race as a team, and he readily agreed. We were able to claim a team podium spot, which was a pretty awesome feeling. Competing with my husband is my favorite part of our quick time in Nebraska.”

What did that experience teach you?

“I ran in college, and one of the things you learn quickly when on a team is the simple concept that most people have heard of- "if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." Even though we couldn't crew for each other at GGW (I was able to volunteer at an aid station however, so I was able to get in a mid race cheer 😉), we were at each other's start and finish lines. We talked to each other about race strategies, fueling plans, and things we could pray for each other about while the other was racing. I set our team up well after the 50k run for a podium finish which gave him something to strive for when he hit low spots.”

Would you like to shout out any people who made that day special for you?

“He's been in both of my answers so far, so obviously, my husband is the first one I'll shout out. We met in 2017, and since then, we've been on many adventures together. The other person who sticks out is Sydney Tremaine. We ran together in college. She works for Garmin, so she was there for fun (and maybe to work a bit) and to race the 50k. It's only the second time we've been able to race the same event since 2014 when I graduated (the first was The Boston Marathon in 2019). It was great to be able to see her at the expo, start, and finish and feel the similar friendship feelings to the ones we had in college.”

What would you like to tell someone if they were debating on signing up for an event like Gravel Worlds?

“To anyone who is considering signing up, I'd ask the question, "Why?" It's not easy. You will struggle. But it shouldn't be easy, and you should struggle. That is what makes it awesome. That is what makes this race worth doing. Challenges make us stronger. They bring us together. It doesn't matter if you want a podium, a PR, or just to get to the finish line. Go do something hard that scares you. You'll be a better human because of it. When you cross the finish line, sweaty, dusty (or muddy if it rains), and tired, I also guarantee that your heart will be full and there will be a smile on your face. Then, you can have a cold beverage and a good meal with friends you never knew you needed.”


From Behind the Corn 08: The ONeal Fam


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